Dual Station Cold Box Core Machines | High Quality Cures | EMI

Dual Station Cold Box Core Machines

Dual Station Cold Box Core Machines

EMI acquired Harrison Equipment in 2018 and set about supporting the existing customer base with new equipment and replacement parts. In the time since we’ve owned the technology, we’ve made a number of improvements designed to bring longer life, lower maintenance, and higher quality cores. The main innovative features that attracted the industry to the equipment remain the cornerstone of these designs.

The Dual Station Cold Box Core Machine is unique to the industry. The machine is basically two core production centers in one machine. The Dual Station Machines produce high quality – vertically parted iso-cure, SO2 or CO2 cores.

Dual Station Innovation for Today’s Modern Foundry

  • Increases Operator Output: One Operator runs two jobs at the same time
  • Quick Change Core Box Mounting System: available, change boxes in just a few minutes
  • Increases Operator Output: One Operator runs two jobs at the same time
  • Separate and Adjustable Gassing Heads: Separated from the investment system
  • Fully enclosed core cells allow efficient exhaust to scrubber
  • Vacuum Assist for Invest and Cure: Improved investment and more efficient cure with less resin and catalyst

Dual Station Unparalleled Flexibility – Suit the needs of a constantly changing industry:

  • Three Piece Boxes capability
  • Large Core on (1) Station, Small Core(s) on Other Station or Same on Both Stations
  • Long Run on (1) Station & Jobbing Work on Other Station
  • Smart Cure Technology – propriety system that uses precise injection and minimize condensation – Ideal for different cores in each station.
  • Superior Productivity and Utilization fewer Dual Station machines are required to meet capacity demand
  • Higher Productivity & Fewer Machines means more cores per energy & labor unit = lower operating cost
  • Lower COST-per-CORE = quick payback & higher margins equal an increased Competitive Advantage

Vertically Parted Tooling

Model Blow
Capacity (L)
Area (in)
Tooling Dims
(in) W x H
Dry Cycle
DC-1616 10 16 x 4 16 x 16 16 Pneumatic
DC-1818 15 18 x 4 18 x 18 18 Pneumatic
DC-2424 25 24 x 6 24 x 24 20 Pneumatic
DC-3030 30 30 x 6 30 x 30 23 Hydraulic

All products offered as gas or electric heating. Roll over rock/invest-standard. Solid cores, tilt down eject-optional
Multiple automation and productivity options available

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