Foundry Briquetting Equipment | Metal Briquetting Machines | EMI ...

Briquetting Systems for Foundries

Cost Effective Handling of Metallic Scrap

EMI is the recognized leading manufacturer of heavy duty – high performance briquetting presses. With over 400 BL-Series briquetting presses in service, EMI continues to provide new and OEM parts for these machines.

A briquetting press turns low value loose turnings and borings into high density, high profit briquettes which can reduce scrap storage space, provide improved safe handling, control and contain environmental hazards, reduce shipping and melting costs. Depending on material and tooling size utilized, units are capable of throughputs in excess of 4-tons/hour with briquette densities in excess of 95%.

The BL-500 Series Briquetting Press is capable of creating 4, 6, or 8-inch diameter briquettes in just about any commonly machined metal. Iron (gray, ductile, CGI), steel and stainless steel, titanium, aluminum, brass, copper, and many more are all candidate materials for the BL-500 Briquetting Press.

Briquettes works well in most types of melting equipment

Thousands of tons of briquettes a day are melted in foundries and steel mills throughout the world. Cupolas and arc furnaces and other types of melting equipment will readily accept briquettes. By utilizing briquettes, scrap charge costs can be cut drastically. EMI can provide you with information on savings available to your company utilizing briquettes and EMI briquetting machines.

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