A Trusted Industry Resource – A Recognized Global Leader
We are pleased to announce that Equipment Manufacturers, Inc. is now under the joint ownership of Ray Carcione, Chief Executive Officer, and Jerry Senk, President. The new ownership brings reinvestment and new plans to expand the business. Both owners have a long history with EMI bringing unparalleled experience in the foundry equipment industry.
Equipment Manufacturers International (EMI) was incorporated in 1982 with the original purpose of manufacturing sand cores and remanufacturing foundry equipment. Armed with a firm understanding of core room operations and foundry equipment design, EMI began its evolution to a leading provider of new EMI foundry equipment. Our expansion over more than 35 years has included the acquisition of several well-known OEM foundry equipment manufacturers, the development of new patented equipment, as well as creating an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP).
Our first-class employees are dedicated to excellence and committed to manufacturing top-quality products. At EMI we value our responsibilities for smart engineering, well made products, and we are constantly striving to exceed our customers’ expectations. Employee involvement is essential to our growth. Our professional staff of application specialists and engineers along with our manufacturing team of in house fabricators and machinists take pride in creating innovative EMI foundry equipment solutions to meet the requirements of our changing industry.
1400 Installations / 12 Countries / 1 Company
EMI is uniquely qualified as a single source solution to your foundry challenges. As specialists in the entire metal casting process, total core room solutions, and finishing automation expertise, EMI can quickly analyze your needs to deliver optimal and practical recommendations.
EMI’s single source commitment assures you that our products are backed by industry leading guarantees and warranties, provided with excellent service and support, and backed by our 35+ year history of providing high quality solutions.
A new partnership of respected and historic companies
EMI is a proud partner of Savelli Technologies and Küttner Group bringing more than 300 combined years of foundry design and productivity to the worlds foundries of all sizes. Küttner is a global industrial solution provider, specializing in a variety of industries including coking, metals recycling, energy management, environmental, and foundry design & automation. Savelli is a global leader in the design and installation of highly customized and high performance “Green Sand” molding machines, sand preparation, and return systems for foundries which produce iron, steel and aluminum castings.
The combined experience of these industry leading companies will expand on their traditional high tech expertise – with all necessary competencies for the design, manufacturing and fabrication, installation, and commissioning services. The benefit of this partnership for our foundry industry partners worldwide is unmatched in the industry today. Combining the resources and expertise of EMI-Küttner-Savelli brings a necessary single source of design, supply, and service to the foundry industry.